About Us

Alpheton Jubilee Hall charity 

(Charity number 304851)

The village hall serves the community of the parish of Alpheton and offers the only facility for community activity in the parish.  

The Hall is the only venue in the village for entertainment, recreation, and other community activities and helps to address the problem of rural isolation, and its impact on the mental well-being of its population, by providing these community activities without the need for the residents to travel to venues outside of the village. 

The village has a close connection with neighbouring, larger communities and there is a history of joint activities (eg WI, Church, pantomime) and the Hall already serves as a venue for events promoted by these organisations. 

A mobile advice service regularly attends the Hall for the benefit of the local community. 

In addition to sporting activities run from the hall, local amateur dramatic/music groups use the hall for rehearsals and performances, making use of the demountable stage and stage lights already in the building.

The village hall is run as a charity.  It receives no funding from the local parish or district councils, and needs to fund raise through events at the hall and donations to pay for the day to day running expenses and ongoing maintenance of the hall.


Village Hall Committee 

The Committee endeavours to meet its Charity's objectives of ".... physical and mental training and recreation and social moral and intellectual development through the medium of .... classes recreations and entertainments or otherwise as may be found expedient for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Alpheton .... and its immediate vicinity ...." by maintaining and operating the Hall as a venue for such objectives and by organising and promoting one-off events which meet these aims.  The Committee is always seeking to encourage even greater use of the Hall. 

If you have ideas of future events you would like to see at the hall or would like to get involved or even make a donation to help with upkeep of the hall, please contact us.